Inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright art glass windows.
- Designed on the computer using Fibonacci
numbers for the sizes of the blocks: all the block/square
sizes are fibonacci numbers: e.g. 1 x 2, 2 x 8, 3 x 5,
8 x 8, 8 x 13, 8 x 5, 8 x 21, 13 x 21, and so on.
- On the 2 side borders are several long blocks
of what I call "Fibonacci stripes":
these use units of 1/8", and the strip sizes are then 1/8,
2/8, 3/8, 5/8,
8/8, and 13/8 inches in one
color going one way, and then the same sizes in the other color
going the other way.
- The four large squares near the top are what
I call "Fibonacci plaids": using the
Fibonacci stripes as above, cut into the same size strips, then
pieced into plaids (using a different contrasting color to the
- The overall dimensions of this quilt
are 39" (13 x 3) by 65" (13
x 5), which gives it a ratio of .6, the "Fibonacci
Materials: commercial cottons, ribbons
Techniques: computer design, machine piecing, machine applique